Friday, January 3, 2020

The Confederate Flag And The Flag - 1776 Words

Recently, quite a debate has emanated regarding the Confederate Flag. This debate has been taken from a simple ember to an all out wildfire, spreading across America, by events in recent months like the Charleston African-American church shooting and the subsequent removal of the flag from the South Caroline State Capitol. This debate has deep geographic ties from all the way back to the Civil War and what the flag stood for then and what the flag has stood for since. Each side of the debate has determined their position based on their collective memory of the flag. Whereas, one side of the argument sees the flying of the flag as a symbol of racism and hatred, the other sees the flying of the flag as preserving southern heritage with†¦show more content†¦The true history behind this flag varies quite a bit from the collective memory of the flag that is used to support arguments in the debate. One of the most important characteristics of the flag that has bee lost in its long history is the fact that the flag that many say represents the Confederacy and its ties in southern history is not really a symbol of the Confederate States of America at all. The Confederate States of American went through three different flags during the time of their existence. None of which were the flag that we know so well today, this flag instead was flown by General Robert E. Lee as a battle flag of his Northern Virginian army unit. This was the only means in which this flag had any ties with the Confederacy, other than being seen in the upper left hand corner of their second and third flag. Also, General Lee himself left the flag behind him after his side lost the war saying â€Å"I think it wiser moreover not to keep open the sores of war,† in a letter declining an invitation to the Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association. This begins to invoke the question of whether or not the heritage argument is justified or not as the General of the Confederate Army cut his ties with the flag after losing the war. Another argument made by many flag supporters is â€Å"that the Confederate battle flag is a historic banner that embodies the noble service and

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